The player starts off with the new character and main protagonist, Nero, who adds several new aspects to the gameplay. The game's duration is divided between two separate characters with their own storyline. Players can also dodge and taunt to increase their stylish ranking. Varying one's attacks further increases the gauge, while using the same move repeatedly will lower and stop the letter ranking until another style is used. Players can rack up Style points by defeating enemies with both melee and projectile weapons. Emphasis is placed on the methods used to deal with enemies, in the form of a Stylish Rank Gauge. Players navigate their way through massive levels while slaying demons mostly in a third person perspective. The gameplay for Devil May Cry 4 follows closely to its predecessors, especially Devil May Cry 3, as a hack and slash adventure. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition has additional modes, new and polished gameplay features and mechanics, it runs at 1080p/60FPS plus a new Japanese voice track and new playable characters compared to the original version of the game.

The Special Edition is a physical and digital release in Japan and Asian regions and a digital release only for Xbox One (via Xbox Store), PlayStation 4 (via PSN), and PC (via Steam) in the remaining regions. On December 15, 2014, a remastered version of the game, Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition was announced by Capcom along with the remastered version of DmC: Devil May Cry, DmC: Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition. Other characters include new appearances by Kyrie, Sanctus, Credo, Gloria, and Agnus, and returning characters Lady and Trish. In Devil May Cry 4, the player controls both Nero, a new character, and Dante, the series' main protagonist, while they fight demons using firearms and melee weapons in a hack and slash, shoot 'em up setting. Devil May Cry 4 is the fourth installment of Devil May Cry game series.